Enact Agency
Enabling brands to enact their Challenger DNA, since 2010
Enact Agency
Enabling brands to enact their Challenger DNA, since 2010
Those businesses whose ambitions exceed their resources
Companies and people who, therefore, have to think different, act smarter and out hustle and out innovate the competition. Those who zig when everyone else zags
Enact’s sole purpose is to help these brands succeed by helping them discover, define, articulate and amplify their challenger strategy
We call this The Lighthouse Identity Process
We’ve been using it to help Challengers win since 2010, using a methodology pioneered by the original Challenger consultancy, eatbigfish
Challenger brands ask questions. Of the world, of themselves and their teams. They challenge the status quo, our perceptions and expectations, the established conventions of a category. They push up against what is wrong in society, an industry or their company.
They do this not just because it’s fun, although it is, but because they are restless, relentlessly ambitious, and their ambitions exceed their resources. For them, there is no other way.
Think Nike, Uber, Dyson or Tesla. Think Tom’s Shoes, IKEA, Charles Schwab or Dollar Shave Club. King of Shaves. Think brands that are centered on a big, powerful and enduring belief. A belief that they bring to life in everything they do. Is that your brand? Could it be? Should it be? Click here to find out more.
Ask Questions
The world is full of companies that make great products; most of which are just a click away on Amazon. So, increasingly, brands are attempting to connect on shared values by, very clearly, stating their beliefs – even at the risk of alienating some constituencies.”
-- Jim Nail, Forrester Research, 2018
Put another way, why you do business today is, perhaps, even more important that what you do, or how you do it
Yet, every day we see too many firms chasing the competition, believing that price, product features or passion alone will make them winners. Companies without a clearly articulated purpose
The result?
Low returns. Failed or sub-performing companies.
The losers are the the owners, management teams and boards at all these companies
As well as the investors - the VCs, Private Equity firms, angel funders and founders
And the world itself
Broadcast Why
But, it doesn’t have to be that way. The today’s winners are those firms that force industries, consumers, sometimes even society, to navigate by THEIR vision of the future
Most companies focus on what they do, and, sometimes, how they do it , and then expect people to buy their product or service
Challengers however broadcast WHY they do what they do, and change the world in the process. They create new sets of rules – and expect the world to navigate by them. And, they do it with passion and focus, not big budgets. It’s why they’re some of the fastest growing companies on earth
The Lighthouse Identity Process isn’t for everyone. It’s a bold endeavor that demands close collaboration from individuals and teams a commitment from company leaders
Companies of all sizes – from startups to 150-year-old household brands, across a variety of sectors, be they privately or share-holder owned, or venture or private equity-backed, have used the Lighthouse Identity Process to align and inspire their teams and turbocharge their business and ignite growth
Create New Rules